Gülbahar, Y., Rapp, C., & Erlemann, J. (2014).  Social Media Toolkit. Annual Conference of the Association for Media in the Sciences #GMW14: Designing Learning Environments – Rethinking Educational Contexts, Zurich: Switzerland.

Abstract In an ongoing EU FP7 Era.NET RUS project,1 utilizing a mixed-method approach (interviews/focus group (n=145) in four countries; online teaching style survey), we, among others, researched how instructors and students in higher education (HE) use social media (SoMe) for teaching, learning, and research. We revealed potential benefi ts of SoMe usage by instructors in HE classrooms. However, although many instructors are open-minded about applying SoMe in their teaching contexts, they often face diffi culties when deciding how to integrate it in their instructional designs. Therefore, we developed a SoMe toolkit that will (a) assess the instructor’s teaching scenario by asking four questions, (b) suggest the best matching SoMe class by utilizing an algorithm based on pedagogical principles, and (c) provide instructional tips for the instructor on how to integrate the suggested SoMe class in his or her teaching. The pedagogical framework of the toolkit will be presented in detail in this paper. At the conference, you will be able to test the toolkit’s functions, see the users’ data entry visualized in nearly real time, and have the opportunity to give feedback and discuss.

Ayrıntılı bilgi için: http://www.waxmann.com/fileadmin/media/zusatztexte/3142Volltext.pdf
